Agga Bai Sasubai Today Episode 9 January 2020
Agga Bai Sasubai Today Episode 9 January 2020, Abhijit sees the factory giving his first pack to uncle. After receiving his hard earned money, he plans to get gifts for a particular person. When Abhijit asks him who this man is, the factory uncle tells him that this is none other than Ajaba. He goes on to say that unfortunately, he cannot give anything to the stranger, as the two are no longer on the terms of talking to each other. This upsets Abhijeet and he decides to bring two friends together.
Abhijit asks Aswari if Aboli will be in season again. The word aboli means that he chooses to ask her about these kinds of flowers that she cannot speak. She understands his subtle gestures and speaks smilingly at him. In anger, Soham and Pragya testify to the exchange between the two. Sohum did not want anything to do with the matter, but Abhijit and Ashwari decided not to go together.
When Abhijit goes to a bedroom to wash his hands, Pragya sees this as an opportunity and goes in to close the door behind her. She pretends to be a broken limb and falls into Abhijeet’s hands. When she tries to balance it, she puts it in the chest pocket of her ear. Soon, she goes out and tries to deal with Aswari, hinting that Abhijeet may not be as loyal as she wants.
Fortunately Shubra taught Pragya a lesson. The birthday party will be over soon and everyone goes their own way. When Soham got out, the thugs who paid him stopped him. When they are about to beat him to a tiger, Abhijeet comes to his rescue, hands them his card and asks him to come to the restaurant to get his money.