Almost Sufal Sampoorna Today Episode 11 March 2020

Almost Sufal Sampoorna Today Episode 11 March 2020, In the back part of the show, we saw how Nachiket and Sai dissolve their fight and tie each other together. They did so after Azizi’s plan to bring them together and work. Ajji had invited Nachiket to the Holika Dahan festival, and Sai had her hands burned in the process of taking coconut in the leg. This led to Nachiket finding her and realizing that they were caring for each other. They eventually hit back.

In today’s episode of the show, Nachiket and Sai are celebrating Holi. Nachiket’s friends try to paint Sai but she does not reject her and astrological theory tries to prevent her from throwing color at her.

She then tells Nachiket that she was the first to paint on her. They both paint on each other’s cheeks and spend a sweet moment when alone. Then everyone starts dancing to the Holi songs. Apapa is annoyed to hear these songs. He goes on to stop the music.

Later, Sai’s parents talk about the child they want to marry. He talks about how he should be cultured and you should like him. But they know that Ajji and Sai are there, so they get scared when they realize that Apa has gone to Nachiket’s house. Appa dances in the dance and his friends, and while doing so, he suddenly loses his weight and starts to feel weak. Instead of watering Apa, Diggs gives him a bit of service and Apa gets dizzy and starts acting strange. Later, Ajji and Sai apologize to him, but you don’t pay heed to him because Apa lost and was executed. Apa also forgot about his identity and the relatives he had.

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