Guddan Tumse Na Ho Payega 15th Saptember 2020
Guddan Tumse Na Ho Payega 15th Saptember 2020, Guddan kisses and says that I will always be with you. Choti says promise Gudden says yes.
Guddan caresses her face. Guddan says that I will always be with you. Choti says uncle, I will always find you. Aunt says uncle, where did you go? Choti cannot see Guddan.
She cries and says uncle, where did you go? Did you leave me alone again Guddan’s soul says that Choti I am always with you. You should go to sleep Guddan makes him sleep.
Choti cries. She says that maternal uncle was here. Durga says what happened? She says that maternal uncle came but left me.
Durga says we are with you. Chhoti says why doesn’t she stay with me? Durga says that your maternal uncle is always with you, he only stays with Lord Krishna.
Don’t worry about what happened below. Choti says we need money? Durga says don’t worry about it. I’m making Aarav’s favorite mac n cheese and your cake. She says I will help.
Durga says that you are like your father. He was the world’s best chef. Freshen up and come down. Choti says that SJ is under stress. I know what to do.
Saru says that I am sick and tired of wearing fake jewelry. I was getting money, but that waste ruined it. Choti comes to her room and says I have money, you need it.
This will solve all your problems. He gives his money box with coins. Saroo throws him off and says that you think I’m a beggar? Your mother used to do the same drama.
She shies away from him and says that I should show you the reality. Choti says please leave me.
Cypress brings Chitti to the rock. Choti says that I am afraid of heights. Please let me go Saru says that 10 years ago your parents fell from this rock and died. And you follow us.
Saroo says that you are good for nothing like your mother. She could not do anything. You have only wasted our lives.
Chatti walks towards the rock and remembers Saaru’s words. Choti’s eyes are closed. She gets close to the edge. A boy holds his hand and says that you are not a sparrow that you will fall. You may fall and break your teeth.
You will look funny Choti cries. He says sorry I was joking. You will also look good without a tooth. He gives her water and says why are you alone? Where are your parents I am sheku what is your name? She says Choti.
He says we are all small. She says my name is Choti Guddan. He laughs and says that you leave me. Chotti goes away.
Saroo comes home and says that I hope he stays there. the bell rings. A woman comes, this is Pushpa. She walks in the house.
Cypress says who are you? His men bring many gifts. Cypress says so much stuff, who are you? Pushpa sits on the couch. She says it was a good Mahor.
So I came myself otherwise I have many servants to do this deal. Cypress says who are you? His PA says that it is Pushpa Birla, owner of Birla Mithai.
All programs make only sweets from this city. Cypress says sorry. Please sit down. how did you come? Pushpa says I want that restaurant.
Just today. I want this I will give you 7 crores. What does Cypress say for that ruins? Pushpa says I turn it into gold. My Guru says that he gives him 10 lakhs and says that it is an advance. The details will be relaxed after my lawyer finalizes them.
Durga comes and says that you have made a mistake. This restaurant is our FIL’s dream. It is priceless. Dreams are priceless.
Pushpa says the family also has its value. I am stating here its worth 7 crore 20 lakhs. Durga says that AJ has named this restaurant for her daughter Choti. It is his. Nobody has any right over that. No outsider or insider.