Kasautii Zindagii Ki 16th Saptember 2020

Kasautii Zindagii Ki 16th Saptember 2020, Asks Molo what he is thinking. Anurag says that he needs to convince his wife. He goes to bring Komolika.

He is rude to Komolika and apologizes to her. Komolika Hemi / is glad she realized it. He says that keeping the motivation aside no matter how much he did for her and her business.

She asks what happened suddenly that she is saying all those things.

Anurag thinks to cook a story so that he does not doubt it. She asks what he is thinking about lying. He says that no matter what he does, Prerna always behaves rudely to him, unlike him.

He says that he realizes his worth and wants to take her to the family dinner. Komolika says that she senses her mistake and wants to go on a date with him.

Anurag lies that he wants to connect his relationship with the family and Komolika agrees. She thinks that that inspiration must have hurt her so much that she is treating him well.

Kaushik called Monish out and both of them sat in the car.

Monish asks where they are going and Kaushik says that party. He finds Kaushik speeding up while driving slowly.

Anurag praises Komolika and does her good with her hands. He says that they do not have proper family time and thus he took them there.

Komolika wonders what happened to Anurag and believes his act. Anurag leaves to get a drink and Mohini wants Komolika not to take a bad look at him.

Though Nivedita is sure that Anurag is dependent on something, he decides to keep it until Komolika asks him. Molli comes to Anurag and asks what happened suddenly.

Anurag says that all this is true as he wants to spend some family time with his wife. Komolika calls Anurag. Anurag puts curry on himself and pretends to go for washing.

Nivedita believes that Anurag is planning everything but decides to keep it closed otherwise Komolika will start suspecting him.

Kaushik and Monish come to college and they want to make it right.

Monish tries to run away but Kaushik says that he needs to help Kukki by rectifying his mistakes. He tells her to stop and alert him when he As Anurag goes inside he comes to her room and starts searching for papers.

He thinks what Nivedita hid from him. He cannot find it and wonders if it is related to inspiration. He thinks properly and understands where the paper is.

Kaushik and Monish blink, while the watchman suspects someone’s entry. The second watchman explains to him that there is nothing wrong and invites him for tea. However the watchman hears some noise and goes to investigate.

They both enter and the watchman follows them to the principal’s room.

Komolika asks where Kaushik and Molloy hit her. Komolika sets out to find Anurag. Anupam calls Nivedita and she gets angry. She hides it.

Komolika states that Molloy is correct. She says that Kaushik loves Kukki which is the reason for Kaushik’s care.

Anurag received a 51% stake in Bajaj City signed by Prerna. Anurag calls Prerna but she does not pick up the phone.

Shivani takes Prerna along with her, saying that Bajaj has called her.

Prerna thinks Bajaj would have come to know about his 51% Bajaj City stake and blames himself for not asking for it.

Anurag thinks that Komolika somehow used it for sure

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