Mazhya Navryachi Bayko Today Episode 3 February 2020
Mazhya Navryachi Bayko Today Episode 3 February 2020, What is the future of Sanya when Mrs. Sabnis asks astrologers? The astrologer said that Saturn’s future looks bleak. He then says that karma is going to attack Shania soon. Shanaya and Mrs. Sabnis both appear to be in shock. Meanwhile, Yashwant is angry over how Radhika is behaving. He tells Soumitra that Radhika has refused to sign the documents sent to her office. Soumitra says that Radhika was always emotionally motivated and made decisions emotionally. To this Yashwant replies that if this continues, Radhika’s company will be closed permanently. Later, we are telling Gurunath Maya that he is lucky for the latter. He then convinces her that Maya is going to be the CEO of the SB company. In Radhika’s office, we see Radhika apologizing to her colleagues for not being able to bargain on an important contract. Radhika’s colleagues are supportive of her decision. Radhika breathed a sigh of relief.
We persuaded Gurunath to eat water puri with us. He tells her that she will like it because it is also good for taste and health. After that, both enjoy a ferry to Pani Puri. After a while, Maya is unable to get enough water. Gurunath gives her a handkerchief and touches her shoulder. He then withdraws as Maya feels sorry for him. After a while, Radhika tells Soumitra that she is about to cancel the international deal because she knows the truth about Saiprasad Mahajani. Soumitra tells her to think again with a cold head. To this, Radhika answers that she considers relationships more important than any business. Gurunath, on the other hand, is thinking about Maya. Shortly afterwards, Shanai hugged Gurunath. He works slowly and says he needs to sleep. Shanaya then goes away screaming. Gurunath immediately gets up to check his phone.
At Soumitra’s house, Soumitra’s mother is worried about Radhika. Soumitra tells her that Radhika is stressed about her work. Then we see Radhika telling her colleagues .Whoever does business in their company must have some moral values. She feels that it is not right to treat someone who is morally wrong. Meanwhile, Saiprasad Mahajani entered and Radhika met him. She asks him if Mahajani’s uncle and uncle are his parents. Meanwhile, Soumitra tells Yashwant the truth about how Saiprasad Mahajani and Radhika are canceling the deal. The angry Yashwant then said that she was not practical and behaved like a fool. He says that Radhika should not mix personal affairs with the business. After a while, we tell Gurunath that he just wanted to be friends and so he texts her. She likes to keep everything professional so Maya tells her not to expect answers from her.